Your Views for August 30

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For the kingdom

For the kingdom

Hawaii statehood is evolving into a day for remembering that there is no treaty of annexation between Queen Lili‘uokalani and an American president. Therefore, the Hawaiian Archipelago Islands is a kingdom with its own laws, and anyone born within the Hawaiian kingdom is a Hawaiian subject that is being forced to live under a foreign law.

So, if you were born within the borders of the Hawaiian Archipelago and you have to solve an issue within the Hawaii state judicial system, stand up for your inherent right as a Hawaiian subject and ask anyone representing Hawaii state law whether they are representing the Hawaiian kingdom. Observe their response, but stand your ground as a Hawaiian subject!

No treaty of annexation between Queen Lili‘uokalani and an American president exists, and I found that out after my six years of active duty military service with the American Army.

Born and raised in Hilo, I graduated from Hilo High School in 1999, and I volunteered for infantry service with the 82nd Airborne Division and the 25th Light Infantry Division. I went on a year deployment to the front in Afghanistan in March 2004 as a member of the 2-27th Wolfhounds.

I risked my life to protect and uphold the American values to pursue a life of liberty and happiness, but there is an obvious contradiction to those American values when the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for Hawaiian subjects is oppressed by American law.

Tulsi Gabbard, as a combat veteran who fought for those same American values, do you also believe that Hawaiian subjects should have their right to liberty in the Hawaiian kingdom? Please support the independence for ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

Isaac Kawika Nahakuelua


Mahalo, HTH

Thank you, Hawaii Tribune-Herald, for your wonderful support of “Talk Story Too,” a blood cancer support group sponsored by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, by keeping us in the community calendar and especially to copy editor Leigh Critchlow, for the excellent article she wrote regarding our group.

Wednesday, Aug. 15, was our third meeting, and we had over 40 people in attendance to hear our guest speaker, Jose Montes, patient services manager of the San Diego-Hawaii Chapter.

Thank you to Hilo Medical Center — especially Boyd Murayama, Medical Group Practice director — for their support and use of the meeting room.

Again, mahalo, for all the community support.

Donna M Faria,

Holly Dupont,
cancer patient navigator and co-facilitator